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The Wandering Naturalist

Apr 3, 2024

Meg Duhr, Three Rivers Invasive Species Supervisor and participant of Becoming an Outdoor Woman or BOW, and her BOW mentor Kathy Von Bank join us to discuss hunting Wild Turkeys, barriers to being able to hunt and how the DNR program BOW helps remove those barriers. 

Apr 3, 2024

Nate Huck, Resident Game Bird Specialist, and Timothy Lyon, Research Scientist and Upland Game Project Leader, both from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources wander with us to discuss the history of the introduction of Wild Turkeys in Minnesota, the ecological balance of managing a game bird, and research...

Apr 3, 2024

Angela and Brandon go on their own hunt to figure out fact and fiction on the topic of turkeys.  Can turkeys fly? How did they get their name? Did Benjamin Franklin really want them to be the national symbol of the United States? Tune in because the answers are beyond belief!