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The Wandering Naturalist

Oct 4, 2023

Nighttime can bring a lot of fears of the unknown, what we can't see but can hear.  Our imagination gets the best of us...but there is likely a reasonable explanation behind the various noises. One often overlooked nocturnal species is the Flying Squirrel. Michael Joyce, Wildlife Ecologist with Natural Resources...

Oct 4, 2023

Kyle Johnson, Minnesota Biological Survey entomologist, wanders with us to discuss how moths in Minnesota are surveyed. How many moths are in Minnesota, Kyle is trying to find out. Are there new to science species in Minnesota. You Betcha! Can you help moths in your backyard? Tune in to hear Kyle's advice. 

Oct 4, 2023

The nights are getting longer, the aeolians of the wind creepier…What was that? Join Angela and Brandon for a night time excursion as they explore the sounds you can hear, and not hear, at night.