Jun 7, 2023
Sarah Fultz, Senior Pollinator Conservation Specialist with Xerces Society, talks with us about the insects that help maintain a healthy garden, how you can encourage them to live in your garden, and techniques for going pesticide free.
Jun 7, 2023
Jared Dyer, an entomology educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County New York wanders with us to discuss what Integrated Pest Management is, how parasitoid wasps help control unwanted species, and his research on one of those parasitoid wasps, the Samurai Wasp.
Jun 7, 2023
Did you know Disney World doesn't use pesticides? If they don't need them, your garden doesn't either. Hope Flanagan, member of the Seneca Nation of Indians, and Community Outreach and Cultural Teacher for Dream of Wild Health joins us to discuss how they farm without pesticides. She provides a Native perspective on our...