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The Wandering Naturalist

Aug 4, 2021

Liz Gilles from the Minnesota Zoo discusses the zoo's "Show Us Your Mussels Challenge", the work the zoo is doing to educate people about mussels, and research being done at the zoo to figure out how to reintroduce mussels.

Aug 4, 2021

Mike Davis (MN DNR) and Olivia Poelmann (Graduate Student at Clemson SC) join us to talk about how the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources are studying mussels, the impacts humans currently have on them, and some of the successes they have had restoring species, including endangered ones.

Aug 4, 2021

Alan Holzer from Mississippi Gateway Regional Park joins us to talk about what is a mussel, their unique life story (including interesting techniques they use to get fish to host their young), and how human's history with them has resulted in mussels becoming one of the most endangered groups of animals.