Dec 4, 2019
Join us as John Moriarty shares new research Three Rivers has participated in to find out what turtles do in the winter. It turns out it is a lot more complicated than just sleeping in the mud. Heather Gordon from the Outdoor School of Recreation joins us with tips on how to Adapt to the winter and dress to be outside...
Dec 4, 2019
Did you know that Minnesota birds have 5 types of migration habits? Join us as we discuss this with Ron Refsneider, a retired biologist for the MN DNR and a Master Bird Bander. He shares with us what his Bird banding data indicates about Minnesota birds' winter habits, and gives his opinion on how our perspective on...
Dec 4, 2019
Wander with us as we explore how animals survive the winter. Angela and Brandon investigate three strategies that animals use to survive the winter, Migrating, Adapting, and going Dormant. Learn how these strategies work as we dig into the winter habits of Beavers, Coyotes, Birds, Butterflies, and Ground Squirrels.
Nov 6, 2019
Ryan Barth, Outdoor Education Supervisor at Baker Near Wilderness Settlement, and Bill Vollbrecht, Golf Maintenance Supervisor at Eagle Lake Golf Course, discuss how they are mentoring children to help them learn how to hunt for deer. We discuss why it is important, the ethics of hunting when human population continues...
Nov 6, 2019
Special guests Steven Hogg from our Natural Resource Management Department, and Shawn Howard from our Tree Nursery join us to discuss what steps the park takes to manage the health of our parks with a large deer population. They discuss the benefits and challenges of techniques used such as hunting, exclusion...